Dragonball Z Storyline
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Dragonball Z Storyline

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Dragonball Z is the 2nd series of the Big 3.
Dbz consists of 6 major sagas; Saiyan Saga, Frieza Saga, Trunks Saga, Android Saga, Cell Saga, and Buu Saga.

Saiyan Saga
The Saiyan Saga is the first saga in Dragon Ball Z. The saga begins when a powerful warrior by the name of Raditz lands on Earth. Meanwhile Goku, his son Gohan, Bulma, and Krillin are at Master Roshi's island for a reunion. In the middle of their fun, the powerful Raditz lands on Roshi's island. He tells Goku that he is from a planet inhabited by a race of space pirates known as the Saiyans. He also tells Goku that he is his brother and that his real name is Kakarott. He says that Goku was sent to Earth to destroy all life on the planet so that it can be sold to the highest bidder. Fortunately for Earth, Goku encountered a head injury as a child and forgot his violent past. Raditz tells Goku to join him in destroying the planet, but of course Goku refuses. Raditz takes Gohan and tells Goku that he won't see his son again unless Goku joins him. Raditz flies off with Gohan to his ship and awaits Goku's answer.

Goku, Krillin, and Roshi are pondering what to do when Piccolo appears above. He and Goku team up and head to Raditz's ship to face him as a team. They get there and begin to fight. Raditz is much stronger than both of them together. Not even the Kamehameha worked. Things look pretty down until Piccolo tells Goku that he has a new technique that can defeat Raditz. The only downside is that he needs 5 minutes to gather energy for it. Goku holds of Raditz long enough, but when Piccolo fires it Raditz dodges it. Raditz soon has Goku pinned on the ground crushing his ribs. Gohan sees this from Raditz's ship and blasts out and nails Raditz in the stomach with incredible force. This blow weakens Raditz enough for Goku to grab him from behind and restrain him long enough for Piccolo to hit him with his Makenkosappo special beam cannon (Makenkosappo). Unfortunately, Goku is hit with it as well.

Goku and Raditz both die. Everything seems fixed, but as Raditz is dying he tells Piccolo that his fellow Saiyans will come avenge his death in 1 year. Piccolo takes Gohan to train him for the fight. Krillin, Tien, Chaozu, Yamcha, and Yajirobe all go to Kame's Sanctuary to train with him as Goku did. In the after life, Goku goes on a journey along Snake Way to get training from the great King Kai. Much time passes and Goku finally gets to King Kai's planet. He starts training while the Z Warriors on Earth prepare as well.

One year passes and the Saiyan's finally arrive on Earth. Goku is wished back to life but has to travel all the way back on Snake Way. On Earth, the Saiyans track down Piccolo and Gohan with their scouters and soon arrive to fight them. Shortly after, the rest of the Z warriors arrive to fight as well. The first fight is between Yamcha and one of the Saibamen. Yamcha easily defeats the Saibaman, but the Saibaman uses a surprise attack and blows up himself and Yamcha. This pisses Krillin and he destroys the rest of the Saibamen with one blast.

Nappa then attacks and kicks everyone's ass. First, Chaozu is killed trying a kamikaze attack on Nappa. Then Tien dies after going all out. Piccolo, along with Kami, is then killed protecting Gohan. Next, as Nappa is about to kill Gohan, Goku finally arrives, and with the help of his nimbus saves Gohan. He then starts to fight Nappa alone. Amazingly, he totally whips up on Nappa. Nappa can't even touch Goku. Goku defeats Nappa, throws him over to Vegeta, and tells him to go home. Vegeta proceeds to kill Nappa. Goku tells Krillin and Gohan to go home. Vegeta and Goku fly off to start their fight.

The fight is pretty even until Goku uses his Kamehameha with Kaioken x 4, but just as he gains the upper hand, Vegeta transforms into Oozaru form ( Giant Mammoth Ape). Goku is no match for him. Vegeta is about to do in Goku, but Gohan and Krillin distract Vegeta. They have to cut his tail so that he will transform back, but he's too fast. Just as everything seem over, unbelievably Yajirobe slices Vegeta's tail off! After he transforms Gohan starts to fight him. While they're fighting Goku gives Krillin what's left of the energy he gathered for a Spirit Bomb earlier. Krillin throws the bomb at Vegeta but he sees it and dodges it. Fortunately Gohan has a pure heart and bounces the Spirit Bomb back at hits Vegeta with it. The warriors believe that Vegeta has finally been defeated but he falls back to Earth totally pissed. It looks bad until Gohan transforms into Oozaru form. Being hurt during the fight Vegeta can't stop Oozaru Gohan. After a while Vegeta finally slices Gohan's tail off but unfortunately Gohan falls on Vegeta crushing him. A beaten Vegeta calls his space pod to leave the planet. As he is crawling to the ship Krillin gets Yajirobe's sword and is about to kill Vegeta when Goku gives him a telepathic call. Goku tells him not to stoop to Vegeta's level and kill him, but to let him live. After a long discussion Krillin decides to let Vegeta go. Vegeta flies off and once again the Earth is saved by the fearless Z Warriors.

  Androids Saga
The Androids arrive, and the plot goes all the way back to DragonBall. You see, a small organization known as the Red Ribbon fought against Goku as a child, and they planned to obtain the DragonBalls as well. This high-industrial military company made all sort of androids as well, mainly evil ones that planned on destroying things. Dr.Gero, a demented Red Ribbon doctor genius...sworn revenge on Gokou ever since the beginning of the whole series, mainly because Goku was the kid who destroyed the whole organization. Therefore, he created Android #19, a powerful sorta chubby white faced cyborg to kill Goku. Later, he asks Android #19 to make him into a powerful Android as well, so he becomes Android#20, a cyborg with a white beard. Both bear the red ribbon logo on their uniforms, and they meet up with the Z warriors to fight. Vegeta faces Android#19, and Android#19 is destroyed, the plot fails, and Android#20 falls , but Dr.Gero has programmed himself to auto-repair and survives the battle.

Android #20, Dr.Gero, then goes back to the Drawing Board to try to come up with a stronger android model. He releases his most recent creations, Android #17 and Android#18. 17 has black hair while his sister, 18 has blonde hair. Both are incredibly strong and they are unleashed.Both Androids eventually get quite annoyed at Dr.Gero, so they kill him. Being a brilliant mad scientist, he had suspected this, therefore he had created Android#21 prior to his death.

Although Android#21 was still placed in a regeneration tube, he was assigned a command--to feast on the energy of over-rebellious androids that didn't obey.Android #17 and Android#18 break out of the lab, and they bring along the strong Android#16, (who turns out to be a peaceful robot, later on). Our Z Warriors are aware of these new nemesises, and begin to confront them-but they are no match for them and continue to fight and fight reaching no particular victory. The problem is, endurance is what is lacking for our heroes, because of the Android's long endurance and long-lasting energy, and they can fight with much more stamina than the unprepared combatants. Suprisingly, Goku suffers a Heart Attack, and retreats-shocked. Trunks from the future was luckily sent back by his mother, Bulma, to give the heart-medicine to heal Goku's heart. Goku is saved, but the Z warriors avoid confronting the overwhelming power of the Androids-therefore they go up to the Heavens and Train in a special gravity room to prepare. Piccolo tries to ready himself for the fight as well, by fusing with Kami-his half-father and guardian of the DragonBalls-while Dende, the young Namek assumes the position of DragonBall guardian. Androids #16, #17, and #18 go out to find Goku to kill him. Piccolo spots the Androids and they begin to duel. All this time, Android #21 has been regenerating, and it finally breaks out of its imprisonment--the being is known only as the powerful "Cell" and he sets out to accomplish his creator's commands.

Frieza Saga
The Freeza series has boosted the popularity of Dragon Ball Z greatly. It is a crucial turning point in the Dragon Ball Saga, because it involves Goku's very first transformation into the legendary "Super Saiyan"(which comes every 1000 years) with the ability to power up to a golden-haired strenghtened stage. It also introduces the character Trunks at the end, as well as explain more story and plot that occured prior to the start of DragonBall.

Epilouge: events that happened before the Freeza Series
Years ago, Freeza killed Vegeta, the Saiyan king, and destroyed the Saiyan Planet Vegeta. Then he used prince Vegeta(King Vegeta's son and the Vegeta we know and love), Nappa, and Radtizu as mercenary-slaves to conquer other planets. After the Vegeta Series only two pure breed Saiyan were left. One was the Saiyan Prince, Vegeta. The other was Bardock's son, our main hero, Gokou. After the death of Raditz, Vegeta learns from the message from Raditz's scouter that Dragonballs existed. Later, he figured out that in Namek Dragonballs also existed. After getting beaten by Gokou, Vegeta retreats to Freeza's planet to recover. Now, he carries on the new goal of gathering the dragonballs for himself to be granted the wish of immortality. He also plans to kill Freeza. Freeza is also in search of the Namek Dragonballs to become immortal and begins to terrorize Namek for the dragonballs. Meanwhile, Bulma learns about the Namek Dragonballs via PoPo, Kami's assistant. With the hope to gather the dragon balls to wish their friends killed in the Vegeta Series back to, Gohan, Klilyn, and Bulma venture off to Namek on the spaceship that Kami rode on to travel to Earth years ago. Great battles on Piccolo's home planet are to take place.

Right after the Vegeta series takes place, Freeza-an interplanetary conquerer or planets, makes his apperance on the Planet Namek and begins to collect Dragon Balls. Gohan, Kuilin, and Bulma all go on a spacecraft to investigate, while Goku remains in th e Hospitol, recovering from the wounds from the fight with Vegeta. The storyline before Freeza Arrives is a long and complex one, so it may be explained later on.

Anyway, once on Planet Namek.( Planet Namek's residents all look like Piccolo.)-Vegeta discovers Freeza's(Vegeta and the rest of the Saiyans are Freeza's sworn enemy) whereabouts so he goes over to Namek to try to gather the Namek Dragon Balls as well to wish for immortality. (The Namek Dragon Balls give an individual 3 wishes as opposed to 1 wish on earth.). Freeza begins to conquer Namek, sending out his henchmen, Zarbon and Daoduiba, to gather the DragonBalls and terrorize and destroy the Namek Villages. Meanwhile, our heroes Gohan and Kuilin are having trouble themselves, but finally meet up with the Namek village elders and team up with the Nameks to help. They meet Dende, a very helpful young Namek that serves as a guide around Namek.

Goku recovers from the hospitol thanks to one of Ubujji's magical beans, and springs into action with help from Dr.Brief (Bulma's Father) and his invention. He boards a training capsule heading to Namek, where he plans to train on his way there under certain Gravity Forces several times that of earth. Along the way, he encounters some tough terrain and eventually ends up in a Gravity Storm which throws him into G-level 100. He fights it and eventually becomes strong enough to train in it.

While in Namek Vegeta, Gohan, Kuilin and Bulma all face the problem of gathering the DragonBalls. Vegeta has the upper hand, after he raided Freeza's base and stole 5 of them. The plot gradually continues...with the summoning of the Ginew Force, an elite warrior team composed of Freeza's best henchmen, and they are taken care of by the combined forces of Vegeta and Goku-(there leader can switch bodies, and a frog is thrown in the path of his mind laser, where he gets stomped afterwards)...until Goku finally reaches Namek, all trained and ready.

Then, the battle of Freeza finally begins!!! When they first battle, Freeza reamains in Normal Form. Then, as the battle progresses both fighters energy levels increase, and Freeza changes into 4 different forms during the battle. He begins with 530,000 while Goku has 550,000 BP. After fighting, Frez a i ncreases to 700,000 in Form2, then 870, 000 in Form 3. Goku's max powered-up rises him up to 800,000--being barely able to confront Freeza Form 3. Freeza ultimetely transforms into Perfect-Form, with a smooth metallic look and incredible strength. ( 1,200 ,000 BP!!). Goku's rage rises, because his good friend Kuilin has been killed in battle-and he finally recieves enough power and anger to unleash the Super-Saiya-jin!!! as he blasts up to a whopping 1,500,000 BP with flowing gold hair and a bursting energy field around him. But it still seems Freeza has another transformation well sort of. Freeza powers up to 100% he was currently fighting at only 70%. It seems Freeza has the upper hand but not for long, the longer Freeza fights at 100% the faster he loses his power. Freeza attacks Gokou with a Slicing disc but instead he cuts himself. Freeza is now incredibly weakened, and Goku finishes him off with a fireball.

Now he has to race against time to escapes just before the planet explodes because Freeza had use his Death Ball Attack on planet Namek before he died.Goku's whereabouts are unknown, and everyone believes that Goku has died. In the last mili-second Gokou finds finds the Ginyu's Pods and escapes. Our hero has traveled to the planet Yardrat to learn the art of teleporting! The DragonBalls are gathered, everyone who died is revived and they all return to living a peaceful life.

Trunks Saga
In Frieza's robotic self, he was now at a point that he can attain unimaginable power, that in his "purely organic" form would have killed him. The first thing he told his father upon reawakening, was that they were going to Earth to kill the Saiya-Jin that did that too him..

Upon arriving on Earth, King Kold and Frieza scan the horizon and decide that since Goku would not be coming for some time that they should give him a warm welcoming. Except that their idea of warm was killing all of Goku's friends and being the only ones to welcome him. As Frieza looks around at the top of a hill, he is stunned by an image of Goku. But this fading image mildly frightens him and he charges up. His father jokingly asks him why he is so anxious.

Meanwhile, the Z-Fighters feel Frieza's ki and prepare for him. Gohan throws on his Saiya-Jin armor and everyone meets up, stun that he could still be alive. All believing that Goku had destroyed him. Under the orders of Vegeta everyone did not fly and kept their power levels low. Because Vegeta knew that Frieza's men would pick them up on their scouters. So they walk towards the area where Frieza's ship landed.

Frieza and his father look around and call out their men. All of a sudden a teenage boy comes down from the sky. He's dressed in a Capsule Corp. jacket and a sword on his back. He confronts Frieza. Frieza is stunned that this strange young boy, named Trunks, knew his name. And even worse yet he knew Goku! Frieza orders one of his men to scout him. The scouter shows Trunks with a power level reading of 5. So a goon is told to fire at him. Trunks is shot at and easily throws both of them behind him and into the mountains. Other goons are ordered to attack Trunks. They are warned not to underestimate Trunks, but they continue. In a quick movement and swift sword strokes all the men fall to ground in pieces. Also another guy who is looking through his scouters gets his armor split along with his scouter. He backs off, but is shocked to see Frieza's hand, but not in front of his face, but rather through his stomach.

This teenage boy has a surprise for Frieza, he too is a Super Saiya-Jin, and he's not as nice as Goku. With this news Frieza's is scared, but him and King Kold do not believe him. So Trunks goes on to show him. With a violent scream and dead bodies flying all around, Trunks transforms into the Green eyed, Blonde haired Super Saiya-Jin. Frieza looks at him and is stunned, "Those eyes...they have the same eyes!" He says as he has a flashback of Goku and his eyes.

Trunks challenges Frieza and he launches an attack against him (Trunks). Eventually, Frieza throws a Death Ball 10 times larger than the one that destroyed Namek, at Trunks. The ball sinks into the ground and Frieza thinks that he has won. But the ball lifts out of the ground and Trunks his holding it. Frieza launches a ki blast at it and the ball becomes unstable, so Trunks throws it into space. Trunks gives Frieza one more chance to attack, Frieza fails so Trunks sits atop a mountain and blasts Frieza, he misses and then we hear Trunks call out to Frieza, when he looks up Trunks slices him into several large pieces and then into smaller pieces and then finally blasts him into dust.

King Kold, being totally shocked that someone effortlessly defeated his son, makes him an offer to be at his side as his new "son" or heir. But Trunks turns him down. King Kold asks to examine his sword, but upon Trunks giving it to him he tells Trunks that he could not have defeated his son had it not been for that sword. He turns the sword upon Trunks and attempts to slice him, but the swords blade is caught and King Kold is blasted and killed.

Eventually after Trunks destroys Frieza's ship, the Z-Fighters come out and are a bit fearful of Trunks, not being too sure what side he was on. But Trunks is friendly and invites them to come with him to go and greet Goku when he comes back. So the Z-Team along with Bulma goes with him very cautiously though!

The Z-Fighters are a bit wary of the strange teen who so easily destroyed both Frieza and King Kold, for they were unsure of which side he was on. But Trunks was warm and friendly. With a smile he told them he knew where Goku would be landing in 2 hours. The others follow him to a desolate spot. Unknowing about this mysterious youth, the others agree that he was a friend of Goku's. But Tien disagrees saying they've know Goku all their lives and never hear or saw this guy. Bulma says that maybe he met him in space.

At the spot where the boy said Goku would land (at this point no one knows his name) he pops out a capsule and it pops up into a Capsule Corp. refrigerator. This is the time where Bulma notices that he is wearing a Capsule Corp. jacket and asks if he works for the company. "No, I'm just a fan." He replies

"Well, give me my name, and I'll tell my father about you." Bulma says cheerfully.

Trunks responds that he cannot tell them his name. So Tien and Yamcha make fun of him, saying that they want secret names too! Trunks is then interrogated by everyone. He is asked if he really turned Super Saiya-Jin when he fought Frieza. He tells them that he is a Super Saiya-Jin. Vegeta is utterly full of rage and tells them that Kakarot (Goku), himself, and the half-breed (Gohan) are the only Saiya-Jins. Making the Saiya-Jin population 3.

So they wait and wait for Goku to arrive . As the time goes by, they wonder where he is and how this guy knows him. Then at once everyone feels Goku's ki. Appearing in the air a space pod that crash lands close by creating a crater. Out of the pod steps Goku, dressed in weird clothing. Goku ponders how they knew he'd arrived their and he asks who defeated Frieza. He suspects Piccolo and Frieza, but Piccolo tells him it was the kid and that he's a Super Saiya-Jin. Goku is amazed and says that it is great and that he's so young too! Then Bulma tells him that he claims to know you. Goku is taken aback saying that he has never met that person ever.

Goku tells the group of how he escaped from the exploding planet. He tried to use Frieza's ship, but it was broken. As the ship fell into the planet he flew to a falling space pod and in a desperate attempt hit a button that sent him flying to Planet Yadratt. Vegeta says that the Ginyu Force must have been planning on going there next, but never arrived, and programmed it into their pods. Here he was nursed to health and trained with them. Also he learned a new technique, but keep reading for that.

When Goku is introduced to him, Trunks tells Goku that he wants to speak to him privately. So they fly off to speak together. When they land, far enough so that no one can hear them, Goku thanks Trunks for killing Frieza. Goku said that Frieza's ship was faster and that he thought he killed him on Namek. Trunks replies, "You were supposed to, but there was a problem with timing." Goku tells him that he could've caught up to him though. Trunks is puzzled by this saying that Goku was three hours behind him. But Goku tells him that he learned a new technique that he can travel anywhere in the universe by locking onto someone's ki. Trunks is shocked saying that he didn't know Goku learned a new technique. Then Goku is asked by Trunks if he can turn Super Saiya-Jin at will. Goku answers him by telling him that at first he couldn't but now he can do it easily. So he (Trunks) asks Goku to turn Super Saiya-Jin. Goku transforms, then so does Trunks. They stare at each other, amazed at how similar they look.

Meanwhile, the others look on in amazement. Shaking at the feeling of their kis. Vegeta is very jealous and Piccolo is straining his ears to hear what is going on.

In the blink of an eye, Trunks' mighty sword is out of it's sheath and coming full speed at Goku's face. They sword stops within an inch of Goku's face. "Why didn't you dodge?" Trunks says very surprised.

"I knew you had no intent to kill." Goku calmly replies.

So Trunks tells Goku that this time he'll attack and he wants him to block it. Goku nods and charges up his index finger. A vicious attack is launched by Trunks and every blow is blocked by Goku's one finger. The same blows that killed Frieza were nothing to the mighty Super Saiya-Jin.

A breaking news to Goku, that Trunks is son of Vegeta and Bulma and that's why he can go Super Saiya-Jin. He says that he'll be born in 1 year. Goku is amazed, but Trunks tells him they cannot know or else he'll never be born. Also Trunks says that that is not the real reason he came.

Trunks now sees that Goku is as strong, if not stronger than he has heard. He asks Goku if he can keep a secret and Goku jokingly replies, "I don't talk much." So Trunks tells him everything. His name, about the Androids that will take over the world in three years, and about how in his time everyone is dead. Tien, Chiaotzu, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, and Yamcha all die in a battle against the two Androids. Gohan escapes the battle and trains Trunks. Goku asks where he is. Trunks tells him he's dead and that he never gets to fight the androids. That soon he'll catch a heart virus that not even a Super Saiya-Jin can fight.

Also, Goku asks about the androids. Trunks tell him they are two powerful beings created by Dr. Gero, head robotic scientist for The Red Ribbon Army. The group Goku killed as a child. He has had revenge on his mind ever since. But the androids destroyed Dr. Gero after he released them and went on a murderous rampage taking over the world of his time.

He tells of how Gohan trained Trunks, but was killed in a battle with the androids. Trunks warns Goku not to underestimate them, as their energy is infinite and they are strong. They will appear in 3 years, 9 miles southwest of South City.

Before Trunks leaves for his time, he gives Goku an antidote for the heart virus. In this time there was no cure, but in Trunks' time there is. Trunks leaves for his time to face the androids of his time. He bids his young mother farewell and wishes them all good luck.

With Goku returns to the others and is bombarded with questions. He vaguely answers their questions. But Goku forgets that Nameks have super hearing and Piccolo heard everything. He promises not to reveal the young warrior's secret. So he tells of the Androids, the boy from 20 years in the future (but not his name or parents) , Goku's heart virus, and how they all die in battle against the androids.

Goku wants to show them the new technique he learned, Instantaneous Motion (He learned on Planet Yadrat). So he says that he can travel anywhere he wants as long as he can lock onto someone's ki. He says he found someone and disappears and then reappears wearing sunglasses. Vegeta says, "That's nothing, it's just super speed." But everyone realizes those are Master Roshi's and he's thousands of miles away!! Goku hands the glasses to Krillin.

Piccolo then reminds everyone about the androids. Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan decide to train in the mountains together. Chiaotzu and Tien choose to train together. Yamcha opts to train by himself and Krillin decides to train with Master Roshi.

So they all depart to prepare for the battle of their lives

Cell Saga
The Cell Game, remains as one of the greatest milestones in the series' history-mainly because in this plot--our main character Goku faces his ate...and destiny. Shortly After the escape of this Biological-Android Cell, He sets out to find the crazed Androids to take their energy. On his path of destruction, Cell terroizes towns, cities, and everywhere else to suck the life out of helpless, inncocent individuals, just to supply enough strength for the battle.This is covered on every news in the world, and it is viewed as a world-crisis. His specially engineered tail contains an ability to suck life out of someone, and with each victim, he becomes stronger with that power. Finally, the Androids and Cell meet up-but strangely, everyone else is amazed because they do not know of each other. 17 threaten to kill Cell, so he begins to engage in Battle. But, suprised at the increasingly strong energy of Cell, 17 is quickly and easily killed, left on the ground for later power-absorption. 16 now faces the monster, and everyone watches in amazement at how 16's strength can actually stand up against cell. But, he is also destroyed. Cell then devours 17's strength with his tail--and uses that power to transform into a different stage of power, Cell-form2. He spots his next and final target, Android 18-and sets out to devour her strength as well. Eventually, 18 tries to escape but is devoured as well. With the incredible energy within him, Cell now powers-up to his maximum-level-"Perfect Cell"-where he develops into an organic form, evolving from an android stage!

Cell departs and leaves, and the Z Warriors try to escape his awesome force. Meanwhile, Bulma collects the parts of Android#16 and repairs him. She also reprograms him to fight on the Z-Warrior's side. Now, the Z-warriors set out to fight this menace. With world-wide coverage, a military team is dispatched full with tanks, guns, and etc to try to take care of Cell, but efforts fail, and Cell demolished the whole army. A new character is introduced, Mr.Satan, supposedly a world-renowened fighter who is really quite weak, and he issues a challenge to Cell. A ring is introduced into a desert-and the Cell Game begins- the Z Warriors look on as Mr.Satan and his crew of fighters try to engage in battle with the powerful being. The 3 fighters all fail, and Mr.Satan finally goes up to battle. He realizes how much stronget Cell is, so he runs away and hides behind a rock for most of the fight. All the Z Warriors have been training, and Gohan is now a teenager with the ability to do a Super-Saiyan (!)-Vegeta also aquires the technique, and Trunks becomes stronger as well with this training. the Z Warriors take turns in fighting, due to Saiyan honor and the rules of the game. Goku and Vegeta fight Cell 1 at a time, until Cell reproduces and forms many Cell Jr.s-1 younger, blue-colored, replicates of Cell. They all are pretty strong, and Gohan steps into the fray and unleasehes his SSJ Lvl.2 powers! all 7 are destroyed, and Gohan takes care of the battle with cell. (his mother is watching him on tv and is quite worried)-Cell is then kicked so hard that he is forced to spit Android#18 back out. He then returns to Cell-Form2, where he is confronted by Goku and beaten badly.

Cell transforms into self-destruct mode, where he swells up into a large form. The explosion from his burst is enough to destroy the earth, and he is willing to risk his life. To save the world, Goku tries to devise a plan, therefore he teleports the swollen-about-to-burst cell to King Kai's planet, where he explodes and suprisingly kills Goku, Kaoishin, and his monkey, Bubbles-(remmeber they trained in the Raditz Series). Everyone is shocked at the bold move Goku took to take away his life, and everyone mourns the death of Goku. They are finally thankful for the ending of the cell threat.

But, suddenly a sharp piercing ray pernetrates through Trunks, killing him-and Cell appears--in Perfect Form 3!!!!He explains that when he exploded, a surviving brain cell multiplyed and formed perfect form. Cell laughs suprisingly that he could still regenerate all the way to level 3. Cell now announces his plans to destroy Earth, and Gohan steps into the fight. Armed with his SSJ Powers and nothing but Rage. Engaging in Battle, one of Cell's fireballs injures one of Gohan's arms, when he attempts to protect a weakened Vegeta from getting hit. Realizing this, Vegeta knows that he owes Gohan one. Gohan charges up for a KameHameHa fireball, and fires it with the strenght left in one hand. Cell counter-attacks with a kamehameha of his very own. A giant explosion is the result of the collision, and the 2 fireballs struggle to see whose is stronger. Constant energy is used by both combatants, and they try their hardest to overpower the other's Ki. Now with the help of Vegeta, Vegetafires a small fireball to hit the side of cell as a distraction. Now Gohan sees his chance.......with his Dead father's help, he begins to gain some energy-Goku communicates and aids him with the final burst of energy capacle of blowing Cell away....He releases the power and Cell is completely Destroyed, blasted away by the Awesome Energy of the FireBall. Cell is disentegrated to mere dust, and Gohan lies down, exhausted.

After the battle, Satan comes out from the rock and reports to the world of his "victory" over Cell. He tells the reporters that it was him who destroyed the creature, and everyone congragulates the "hero". Satan's swiping of credit from the Z Warriors meant nothing to the true Heroes, because all of them know what they ahd accompolished, all of them know..that the terrible event of Cell is to be forgotten no matter what.----The Cell series ends with a collection of DragonBalls, and everyone who has died is wished back again. Goku explains to everyone that he is alright when he is dead, and he has a halo above his head to represent his citizennship in the Heavens. Although Goku is not allowed to come back down to Earth beause he was already brought back to life, he goes along living his life. Krilyin has developed a crush on Android #18, Gohan lies in a Hospitol, the Z Warriors return, and the remembrance of Goku is felt through everyone.

Buu Saga
The Buu Saga starts out with the Tenkaichi Budokai, and Goku being resurrected for only one day so that he can fight. Soon Doubler, the prince of darkness, turns Krillin and Piccolo to stone on the mountainside. Gohan, Goku, Vegeta and Kaio-shin travel into Babidee's space ship looking for this new menace. Babidee is trying to gather enough energy to resurrect Majin Buu, so he makes a game out of the warriors. He sends a warrior out to fight the heroes one at a time on each floor. Vegeta begins the game by devastating Babidee's first low class fighter. Goku takes on the second and wins overwhelmingly. But when it comes to the third fight, Gohan does not have such an easy time with the Prince of Darkness, Doubler. Doubler leaves half way through the battle saying that it was because he found another warrior for this 3rd out of the 5 stages of the ship. Babidee uses his magic to charm Vegeta, creating a new enemy for Goku -- Majin Vegeta!

Majin Vegeta and the Heroes get sent to the Martial Arts arena. After Majin Vegeta kills a few hundred people, Goku finally agrees to fight him. Disobeying Kaio-shin, Goku requests Babidee send them somewhere uninhabited. Vegeta finally admits to Goku that he allowed himself to be charmed so that he could finally battle Goku.

The titanic battle takes place, and the energy released from the battle is enough for Babidee to awaken Fat Buu. The two go flying around Earth, spreading mayhem and despair wherever they go. Majin Vegeta knocks out Goku but realizes that Good will always triumph in the end. He sees how useless his evil ways have been, and Vegeta finally becomes truly good. Majin Vegeta finds Buu and self destructs hoping that his sacrifice will destroy Buu. Unfortunately it is not enough and Buu survives.

Goku finally steps up to bat against Fat Buu, but cannot beat him. His rage sends him into SSJ3 for the first time. About this time Bulma begins gathering the dragon balls to wish back all those killed by the Majins. Buu gets angry at being Babidee's slave, so he turns on Babidee and kills him. Fat Buu, in an attempt to purify himself, splits into a Good Buu and an Evil Buu. The two battle and the Evil Buu wins, resulting in a trimmed down, more muscular version of Fat Buu.

Gohan travels to Kai-oo-shin's planet to train. He dons a native suit and begins using the Z sword. He learns how to use his hidden power without requiring the rage that it takes to go SSJ. Everyone else goes to Kame's Lookout, where Goku teaches Goten and Trunks how to fuse to become Gotenks. Goku then teleports to Kaio-shin's planet to watch everything from there. Buu senses this huge power and travels to Kame's Lookout to search out this huge power. Gotenks goes into training, and Piccolo tricks Buu into waiting in a room in which time moves slower than the room Gotenks is training in. Chichi starts to scold Buu for killing so many innocent people. Buu turns Chichi into an egg and squashes her.

Buu eventually gets sick of waiting for them to come out and demands to be taken to the boys. Piccolo takes him into the room and Gotenks battles with Buu for a while. The fight reaches a stalemate when Piccolo blasts the door to trap everyone in the room, so that Buu cannot kill anymore people. Buu uses his power to create a portal and exits the room. Gotenks tries and fails to make a portal but then goes SSJ3 and has the power to pull it off. Gotenks battles Buu in his new form and is winning and knocks Buu back to the Earth, however, Kami's Lookout is destroyed in the process. Gotenks and Piccolo go back to Earth to look for Buu's body, but find that he is far from dead. Before Gotenks can continue his attack the Fusion wears off and Goten and Trunks unfused are not strong enough to stand against Buu.

Gohan finishes his training and puts on a suit like his Dad's before leaving to help his friend's on Earth. Goku wants to go help but cannot because he is dead. Gohan appears on Earth and battles Buu until Buu self Destructs and the Z warriors think they have won. The fly away and see Buu flying at them. Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks again, but while Gotenks is distracted Buu absorbs him. Now much stronger than before, Buu launches an attack against Gohan. Buu throws a fireball at Gohan but it is blocked by another Fireball thrown by Tien.

Goku is brought back to life because Dai Kaio-shin trades his life for Goku's. Kai-oo-shin gives Goku the Fusion Earrings and shows him how to use them so that Goku and Gohan can fuse and beat Buu. Meanwhile King Yama grants Vegeta life so that he can help save the Earth. Just as Buu is about to launch another fireball at Gohan, Goku appears and save the day, cutting Buu in almost in half. He gives Gohan one of the earrings and they prepare to fuse. Just then, Buu's dissected parts start to absorb some of the Z warriors (Piccolo, Tien, and even Gohan.) Buu is now fully powered up and Goku is feeling hopelessness weigh down on him.

Here comes Vegeta!!! Vegeta shows up to help Goku , and Goku tells him about the fusion. Vegeta finds the earring that Gohan dropped and puts it on. Goku and Vegeta fuse to form Vegetto. Vegetto beats up on Buu for awhile, but gets absorbed on purpose to rescue his absorbed friends. Vegetto's fusion is canceled out by the absorption and Vegeta and Goku go off to search for their friends. Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Goku, Vegeta from Buu's pores and are returned to normal size. Buu has, however, absorbed enough energy to reach his original form, and Buu is now whole again. Buu launches a fireball that will destroy the Earth and with the help of Kai-oo-shin, Goku teleports Vegeta, Goten, Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, Mr. Satan, and Dendei to Kai-oo-shin's planet where they escape the Earth's destruction. Buu teleports and follows the escapees. Goku fights Buu and is beaten badly, then Vegeta steps up and is beaten also. Buu is about to kill Vegeta when Mr. Satan taunts him and draws off his attentions. Good Buu escapes from within Buu and the two fight until Good Buu is knocked out. Buu continues to fight Goku and Vegeta. Vegeta tells Kai-oo-shin to gather the Namekian Dragon Balls and wish back the Earth and all its inhabitants. The only people left now to face Buu are Goku and Vegeta, as everyone else was sent back to Earth. Vegeta distracts Buu while Goku builds up his Spirit Bomb. The heroes back on Earth try to convince everyone to raise their hands and donate their energy to Goku's Spirit Bomb, but none listens. Then Mr. Satan, who is still a hero to the people, raises his hands prompting everyone else to do the same. Goku is now ready.

Goku launches his Spirit Bomb, but Buu holds it back. Kai-oo-shin makes his final wish and restores Goku's energy so he can increase the strength of his Spirit Bomb. Buu is destroyed the Z warriors are victorious. Fat Buu awakens and his life is spared for saving Mr. Satan's life earlier. Fat Buu joins the Z warriors.

Goten and Trunks are teenagers. Gohan marries Videl and they have a daughter named Pan. Buu becomes Ubuu, a purely good version of Buu. Goku trains Ubuu, and all is well.

End of DragonBall Z.


Dragonball Z has the best storyline out of all the series.