Dragonball GT Storyline
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Dragonball GT Storyline



Dragonball GT is the 3rd series of the Big Three.
Dragonball GT consists of 3 major sagas, Bebi Saga, Super 17 Saga, and Evil Shenlong Saga.

  Baby Saga

Dragonball GT starts about 10 years after Dragonball Z. Goten and Trunks have grown up, and Gohan and Videl's daughter Pan is a teenager. Near the beginning of the series, Pilaf (from Dragonball) gathers the dragonballs and when Gokou tries to prevent his wish, he wishes that Gokou become a kid again. That is the end of Pilaf.
Popo tells Gokou that there are dragonballs in space, called the Black Star Dragonballs, and Gokou goes with Trunks to find them, and wish himself back to an adult. For some reason, the earth will also explode if they don't succeed in gathering the dragonballs within one year. Pan stows away aboard their space ship when they leave.

While onboard, Pan damages an enigine. This causes the ship to crash land on a variety of planets, and during these crashes the heroes collect dragonballs, fight, and meet some local people. On one of their stops, their dragonball radar locator gets eaten by a robot named Gill, who they take with on their journey. Gill leads them to his creator, Dr. Myuu, who is in the business of making evil robots. One of his creations, Baby, is the centerpiece of this series.

Baby is actually a Tsufuru-jin, saved from space by Dr. Myuu after the Saiyans destroyed his home planet, long ago. Baby has the ability to take over people's bodies and absorb their power, similar to previous villains. He takes over Dr. Myuu, then sets out for revenge against Saiyans.

The heroes return to earth with the Black Star Dragonballs, and unfortunately they lead Baby back with them. Baby takes over Trunks, Gohan, and Goten, and can even control them without being in their body by planting a small controller inside of them. Baby takes over Vegeta's body, creating Vegeta-bebi, and is happy with the result. He turns everyone else on earth into zombies using his small control devices except for Mr. Satan, Gokou, Pan, Boo, and Ubuu. He also takes the Black Star Dragonballs from Popo, who was keeping them for Gokou, and wishes for a new home planet.

Now the fight against Vegeta-bebi begins. Ubuu fights him, then Boo fights him. Then Boo and Ubuu fuse together, and still can't defeat him. Young Gokou fights Vegeta-bebi, but is also defeated, even at Super Saiyan level 3. Kaiou-shin whisks Gokou away do his planet before Gokou can be killed, and helps him to regrow his tail.

Gokou begins to fight Baby again on Baby's new home planet, but is still defeated, until he sees the earth in the sky, which turns him into his beast, or Oozaru, mode. Gokou thrashes everything in sight before gaining control and reaching a higher level of power known as Super Gokou 4. He is about to win when Bulma (who is a zombie) creates a magnifying glass to amplify the earth's glow and allow Vegeta-bebi to also enter Oozaru mode.

While they fight, Kaiou-shin discovers that Chou-shi water removes the zombie contoller from people and sets about restoring earth's inhabitants. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks all donate some energy to Super Gokou 4, and he is finally able to kill Baby.

After the battle, everyone but Piccolo is brought to Baby's new planet, and the earth explodes because the Black Star Dragonballs weren't used to save it. The Namek dragonballs restore the earth, but Piccolo doesn't come back to life.
  Super 17 Saga

In the otherworld, the dead doctors Gero and Myuu work together to create Artificial Android 17. They all escape to earth after fixing up Freeza and Cell to take over the otherworld. On earth, Artificial Android 17 fuses with Android 17 to create Super 17. While Gokou travels to the otherworld to stop Freeza and Cell, Super 17 runs amok on earth. In the ensuing chaos, Dr. Gero, Dr. Myuu, Krillin, and Android 18 are all killed. Then Piccolo helps Gokou return to earth after beating Freeza and Cell, and Gokou easily kills Super 17.
  Evil Shenlong Saga

The heroes gather up the dragonballs, and summon the dragon, Shenlong, to wish Krillin and Android 18 back to life. The dragonballs have been corrupted through too much negative energy, mostly due to negative wishes. Each of the seven dragonballs turns into an evil dragon, and the dragons fly off to find the element where they can find their perfect form.

The first dragon Gokou and Pan find is Ryan-shenlong, who resulted from the wish that brought Bora to life. Since he was the dragon of polluted water, they got him into clean water and then defeated him, restoring the 2 star dragonball. Next they fight Uu-shenlong, the dragon of electricity, who came from one of the wishes that brought Gokou back to life. He is damaged by a rain storm, then defeated, restoring the 5 star dragonball. Ryuu-shenlong, the hurricane dragon, is the next the heroes face. He came from a strange wish for women's underwear that occured in the original Dragonball series. Gokou defeats him by attacking his head (i.e., the eye of the storm) and the 6 star dragonball is back. The next dragon to be fought is Suu-shenlong, whose element is the sun. He came from a wish restoring Piccolo's life. While he and Gokou fight, his brother the ice dragon, San-shenlong, comes to join in. Suu chides his brother's lack of honor, then stands back and lets Gokou defeat San-shenlong, fixing the 3 star dragonball. Gokou and Suu-shenlong then resume their fight and Gokou wins, due to interference by the one star dragon, Ii-shenlong, also restoring the 4 star dragonball.

Ii-shenlong powers up using the restored dragonballs, and easily beats Super Gokou 4. Vegeta powers up to Super Vegeta 4, and still they're defeated. So the fuse together into Super Gozita 4, and then they mop the floor with Ii-shenlong. The dragonballs it absorbed are released, but then Gozita's fusion wears off and Ii-shenlong re-fuses with the dragonballs. While Vegeta distracts Ii-shenlong, Gokou begins to prepare a Genkidama, and all the people on earth raise their hands to donate energy. Since that's not enough, Kaiou-shin gets the entire galaxy to raise their hands. The fireball is insanely powerful, and it defeats Ii-shenlong, restoring all the dragonballs.

Now the real Shenlong appears, and declares he won't grant any more wishes. Gokou convinces him to restore earth's inhabitants, and then Shenlong tells Gokou to climb onto his back. They fly away. Pan is told by Vegeta that Gokou is gone for good, and she, Chi-chi, and Gokou's sons are all sad. Meanwhile, Gokou's body absorbs all the dragonballs, and their is a bright white flash as the story jumps 100 years into the future.

Gokou Jr. and Vegeta Jr. are fighting in a earth-wide tournament, and Pan is in the audience watching the fight. She sees her grandfather, Gokou, standing in the crowd. She goes towards him, but he slips away into the crowd. As Gokou walks away, the scene changes to show some highlights from the Dragonball-Z-GT series.

This the end of the Dragonball series, at least for now...


I mainly like DBGT because of SSJ 4 Goku.